Ant-Man is a science fiction film produced by Man Wei Cinema, tells the story of the professional liar Scott Lang has a small body strength, must accept their heroic identity and help his mentor – biochemist Hank Pim protects the ant combatants he invented. Under the threat of a strong enemy, Pim and Long must carefully plan and perform a shaking scam to save the story of the world.
Name: Ant-Man
Production area: the United States
Location: San Francisco, Atlanta
Type: action, science fiction, adventure, comedy
Deceived Scott Lang, who stole the biochemist Dr. Hank Pim, invented the ants after the uniforms, have the freedom to shrink the size of the body super powers. Dr. Hank Pimel developed a “Pee Mu” and became “ants” with Scott Lang. Scott also had to accept his heroic identity and helped Dr. Pim to guard the mystery of the ant technology. Under the threat of a strong enemy, the two must carefully plan and implement a shaking scam to save the world to maintain peace.
Ant-Man Cosplay Props
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